Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Elderly couple donate life's work - $10 million worth of insects - to university

This story from CBC is a great example of how planning to donate an unusual object will ensure that the object goes to someone who will unde...
Selasa, 21 Maret 2017

What it really means when you add someone to the title of your property

Anyone who reads this blog regularly will have noticed, as I have, how often people talk about "adding a name" to the title to rea...
Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Two beneficiaries want Dad's house sold, and two don't. What will happen?

If some beneficiaries want a specific piece of estate property to be sold, and others don't, what will happen? Who decides whether it...

New VOCM radio show - The Law Show - starting April 6, 2017

Starting on April 6, 2017, you'll be able to listen to me on a weekly radio show. I will be co-hosting The Law Show along with Chelsea K...
Rabu, 08 Maret 2017

New podcast: Tips for a better will

In our newest podcast, which is now available on our website, we talk about a simple but important ways to strengthen your will. From execut...
Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

The house was left to two siblings but only one lives there. What about paying expenses?

Parents often want to leave their home to their children, and most of the time it's a terrible idea. In other cases, it can work out alr...